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The old World - Day 1 - List of Participants

1. Vincent aka "Mortusestdeus"DMünchen26Empire of Manyes
2. Mike .DMünchen-High Elf RealmsDDMyes
3. Ralf .DMünchen-Chaos DwarfsDDMyes
4. Ddm I.DMünchen-Daemons of Chaosyes
5. Christopher aka "CelebrityAsh"DMünchen4Warriors of Chaosyes
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6. Jacob aka "Kopfseppl"DMünchen52Ogre KingdomsOmano
7. Sebastian aka "TrueWoschtel81"DNeuffen-Chaos Dwarfsno
8. Stefan aka "Kitch-n-master"DBruckberg121Orc & Goblin TribesHammer und Schildno
9. Corbinian aka "Corbi"DMünchen42Orc & Goblin TribesOmano
10. Daniel S.DPfaffenhofen an der Ilm-Dwarfen Mountain Holdsno
11. Helmut aka "diegamers"DBayerbach128Warriors of ChaosWeiss Blaue Strategen e.V.no
12. Ralf aka "Raleigh"DMünchen-Dark ElvesWeiss Blaue Stategenno

Distribution of Armies
Chaos Dwarfs:1
Daemons of Chaos:1
Dark Elves:1
Dwarfen Mountain Holds:1
Empire of Man:1
High Elf Realms:1
Warriors of Chaos:1
Distribution of Origins
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