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X-Wing Tournament Spring 2023 - Tournament Rating

Enter your own rating

Tournament Rating


A (1.5)

Reachability top-rating
A (1.2)
Parking top-rating
A (1)
Location / Venue top-rating
A (1.3)
Space Offered 
B (1.7)
B (2)


A (1)

Flow / Progress top-rating
A (1)
Orderliness top-rating
A (1.2)
Schedule top-rating
A (1)
Information top-rating
A (1)
Referees top-rating
A (1)


A (1.1)

Scenarios top-rating
A (1)
Tables top-rating
A (1.2)
Opponent's Army Lists top-rating
A (1.2)


A (1)

Assortment top-rating
A (1)
Price top-rating
A (1)
Flavor top-rating
A (1)

Given Votes: 6 / 12 (50%)

Comments* about the tournament (3)

Danke für das tolle Turnier. Tiptop organisiert, super Gegner, gute Stimmung - es hat Spass gemacht :-) Wir kommen wieder.


Danke fürs wie immer gemütliche Dübi-Turnier!


Tolles Turnier! Tolle Atmosphäre! Tolle Leute! Guter Kaffee!

* Comments aren't needed by the rating and you cannot conclude based on votes cast.
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