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Un dimanche au Mootland - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Charles aka "Charles"FTramoléOrcs and Goblins0
2.2.p2François-Xavier aka "Thodeus"FThonon Les BainsSons of gamesEmpire of Sonnstahl0
3.3.p3Fabien aka "kitinik"FDouvaineSons of gamesVampire Covenant0
4.4.Franck aka "Aesanar"FSaint Genis LavalMootland clan /Sons of gamesHighborn Elves0
5.5.Laurent aka "MysticAngel"FGerbaixThe Mandales ou RienInfernal Dwarves0
6.6.Iafrate aka "lexluthor"FBourgoin-JallieuDoomsdayDaemon Legions0
7.7.Rudy Luciano aka "Mel"FGrignyBeast Herds0
8.8.Guillaume aka "elguigui"FMionsDoomsdayThe Vermin Swarm0
9.9.Emeric aka "Villissime"FGrenobleThe Mandales ou RienKingdom of Equitaine0
10.10.Nicolas aka "Leande"FMesserySons of gamesDread Elves0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Doomsday (2)0.00
2.Sons of games (3)0.00
3.The Mandales ou Rien (2)0.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

No results...

Army Results:

1.Beast Herds (1)0.00
2.Vampire Covenant (1)0.00
3.The Vermin Swarm (1)0.00
4.Dread Elves (1)0.00
5.Kingdom of Equitaine (1)0.00
6.Empire of Sonnstahl (1)0.00
7.Infernal Dwarves (1)0.00
8.Orcs and Goblins (1)0.00
9.Highborn Elves (1)0.00
10.Daemon Legions (1)0.00
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