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Bellum Lacum VII - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Gabriel aka "Gabiox"FLyon469Saurian AncientsRetributionyesno
2. Franck aka "Aesanar"FSaint Genis Laval211Highborn ElvesRetributionyesno
3. Thibault aka "drachenfels"FSarrebourg527Warriors of the Dark GodsRetributionyesno
4. Bruno aka "Buckshot"FEscoutoux246Empire of SonnstahlLes hero'vergnatsyesno
5. Laurent aka "MysticAngel"FGerbaix109Warriors of the Dark GodsLes Crousty Pouletsyesno
6. Emeric aka "Villissime"FGrenoble183Kingdom of EquitaineLes Crousty Pouletsyesno
7. Camille aka "Hebus_"FMontrabé17Highborn ElvesLe Villageyesno
8. Mathieu aka "Math-CD"CHDüdingen24Ogre KhansSilverware Addictsyesno
9. Nicolas aka "Asclepios"FClermont-Ferrand455Warriors of the Dark GodsLes hero'vergnatsyesno
10. Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer"CHSwitzerland20Kingdom of EquitaineROOTS is backyesno
11. Thomas aka "damsetoi"FLe Muy12Dread ElvesTRC sexy boysyesno
12. Julien aka "Juvin"FSaône117Dwarven HoldsComtois rends-toi !yesno
13. Julien aka "Solkiss"FSaint Pierre de Mésage9Warriors of the Dark GodsTRC sexy boysyesno
14. Tiziano aka "Tipiz"CHVessy97Kingdom of EquitaineDream of Jambonyesno
15. Thomas aka "TheLegend27"CHJouxtens86Empire of SonnstahlDream of Jambonyesno
16. Paul aka "polux"CHMontmollin43Dwarven HoldsDream of Jambonyesno
17. Guillaume aka "elguigui"FMions156MakharChti Gonesyesno
18. Charles aka "Charles"FTramolé173Undying DynastiesChti Gonesyesno
19. Christophe aka "Tito69"FLyon200CultistsChti Gonesyesno
20. Iafrate aka "lexluthor"FBourgoin-Jallieu373Kingdom of EquitaineChti Gonesyesno
21. Martin aka "JohnWiff"CHZurich163The Vermin SwarmMaster Baitersyesno
22. Simone aka "Doomsday87"IMornago245Infernal DwarvesTeam PiLoLiyesno
23. Andrea aka "CarloVIII"IMilano291Warriors of the Dark GodsTeam PiLoLiyesno
24. Ju aka "elric31"FToulouse483Dread Elvesles DAHUS OCCITANSyesno
25. Romain aka "sallustre"FKirchheim185Warriors of the Dark GodsBretz' hellyesno
26. Yanis aka "Yanis"FMoulins-Empire of SonnstahlLes Crousty Pouletsyesno
27. Thomas aka "Norn"FRoquevidal81Dwarven HoldsLe Villageyesno
28. Gilles aka "Kardis"FChâteauroux365Vampire CovenantLe Villageyesno
29. Lionel aka "wingaal"FRoquesérière56Dread ElvesLe Villageyesno
30. Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"FHuttenheim29Orcs and GoblinsBretz' hellyesno
31. Francesco aka "babbonatale"IMilano624Vampire CovenantQuel Team Làyesno
32. Benjamin aka "benji"FLa Fare les Oliviers10ÅsklandersTRC sexy boysyesno
33. Vincent aka "pti_vincent"FLyon18Highborn ElvesTRC sexy boysyesno
34. Nicolas aka "Toutancarton"FBourdeaux68Warriors of the Dark GodsLes biquettes mastersyesno
35. Thomas aka "Samo"CHMisery106Beast HerdsLes biquettes mastersyesno
36. Damien aka "Mad-"CHMartigny265Highborn ElvesLes biquettes mastersyesno
37. Jean-Philippe aka "Djine"FVilleurbanne25Orcs and GoblinsLes biquettes mastersyesno
38. Gesril aka "Matra"FCeyrat189Sylvan ElvesLes hero'vergnatsyesno
39. Robin aka "Velux"FMontferrand Le Chateau116Undying DynastiesComtois rends-toi !yesno
40. Théo aka "Prohulis"FGrandfontaine282Beast HerdsComtois rends-toi !yesno
41. Victor aka "sevic"CHCorcelles63Sylvan ElvesDream of Jambonyesno
42. Marco aka "eteocle"CHZürich584Vampire CovenantMaster Baitersyesno
43. Yann aka "Shizuu"FLyon4Daemon LegionsSilverware Addictsyesno
44. Maxime aka "Lichemeister"CHFribourg80Vampire CovenantSilverware Addictsyesno
45. Louis aka "Juggernaut"FGrandfontaine44Kingdom of EquitaineSilverware Addictsyesno
46. Jean-Noël aka "bullwai"FBourg-En-Bresse134Ogre KhansJeune garde de Lyon 2yesno
47. Jules aka "Draclain"CHZürich-Infernal DwarvesMaster Baitersyesno
48. Vincent aka "Morkin"FAmberieu En Bugey61Saurian AncientsJeune garde de Lyon 2yesno
49. Arnaud aka "Arkalak"CHPréverenges45Daemon LegionsVouivre et laisser mouriryesno
50. Jacopo aka "Althrann"ILavena Ponte Tresa350Kingdom of EquitaineMaster Baitersyesno
51. Raphaël aka "Gabriel"CHPont-De-La-Morge38Beast HerdsVouivre et laisser mouriryesno
52. Arthur aka "Caladris"FStrasbourg333Highborn ElvesBretz' hellyesno
53. Sylvain aka "thetlis"FStrasbourg437Beast HerdsBretz' hellyesno
54. Damien aka "Damdam"CHLausanne204Kingdom of EquitaineVouivre et laisser mouriryesno
55. Christophe aka "carcris"FFontaines sur Saone65Sylvan ElvesJeune garde de Lyon 2yesno
56. Stephan aka "Trokler"FStrasbourg160Ogre KhansRetributionyesno
57. Julien aka "Mimoteph"FSaint-Laurent-d'Agny28Sylvan ElvesTRC BGyesno
58. Stephane aka "Smp"FSt Maurice De Remens250Empire of SonnstahlJeune garde de Lyon 2yesno
59. Thibault aka "Roark"FGrenoble135Highborn ElvesTRC BGyesno
60. Morgan aka "Baalek"FTêche197Dwarven HoldsLes Crousty Pouletsyesno
61. Amaury aka "FlintJunior"FMorance89Daemon LegionsJeune garde de Lyon 1yesno
62. Rudy Luciano aka "Mel"FGrigny94Ogre KhansJeune garde de Lyon 1yesno
63. William aka "Spriggan"FVitry-sur-Seine195Warriors of the Dark Godsles DAHUS OCCITANSyesno
64. Julien aka "Damonk"FTarbes349Sylvan Elvesles DAHUS OCCITANSyesno
65. (anonym)-Ogre Khansles DAHUS OCCITANSyesno
66. Alexandre aka "Chaw"FMarseille77Dread ElvesTRC BGyesno
67. Xavier aka "FlintBMacFlanagan"FMorance27Undying DynastiesJeune garde de Lyon 1yesno
68. Alejandro aka "Karl_hoche"EAntibes88Kingdom of EquitaineTRC chevres d'azuryesno
69. Olivier aka "Vavs"FLe Cannet161Highborn ElvesTRC chevres d'azuryesno
70. Michael aka "Mickk"CHPully / Lausanne121Warriors of the Dark GodsBuccaneers - Scaleta Crewyesno
71. Adrien aka "Adi_"CHLausanne485Saurian AncientsBuccaneers - Scaleta Crewyesno
72. Olivier aka "HARDSTYLE"CHBelmont-Sur-Lausanne151Beast HerdsBuccaneers - Scaleta Crewyesno
73. Alan aka "2dipicche"CHLocarno City271Warriors of the Dark GodsSorry not sorryyesno
74. John aka "JohnnyBoy"CHGenève22Dread ElvesSorry not sorryyesno
75. Filip aka "Pulps"CHMinusio41Saurian AncientsSorry not sorryyesno
76. Gilles aka "gilles32"IAosta-Sylvan ElvesSorry not sorryyesno
77. David aka "Gobsdestrab"FLyon84Warriors of the Dark GodsTRC BGyesno
78. Ivan aka "Feldmarshal"IMilan624Saurian AncientsQuel Team Làyesno
79. Loïc aka "kohlek"CHGiez444The Vermin SwarmVouivre et laisser mouriryesno
80. Pierre-Emmanuel aka "Gilg248"FNice5Vampire CovenantTRC chevres d'azuryesno
81. Jean-Charles aka "LieKolchin"FOrnex240Dread ElvesTRC chevres d'azuryesno
82. Emmanuel aka "manux"FTaninges-Dwarven Holdsmercenaire 1yesno
83. Dimitri aka "DimZ"CHGranges96Warriors of the Dark GodsROOTS is backyesno
84. Charles aka "Ushabti"FGrandfontaine136Infernal DwarvesComtois rends-toi !nono

List of teams

Registered teams
1RetributionGabiox, Aesanar, drachenfels, Trokler
2Les hero'vergnatsBuckshot, Asclepios, Matra
3Le VillageHebus_, Norn, Kardis, wingaal
4Silverware AddictsMath-CD, Shizuu, Lichemeister, Juggernaut
5ROOTS is backBiboun_Slayer, DimZ
6TRC sexy boysdamsetoi, Solkiss, benji, pti_vincent
7Les Crousty PouletsMysticAngel, Villissime, Yanis, Baalek
8Comtois rends-toi !Juvin, Velux, Prohulis, Ushabti
9Dream of JambonTipiz, TheLegend27, polux, sevic
10Chti Goneselguigui, Charles, Tito69, lexluthor
11Master BaitersJohnWiff, eteocle, Draclain, Althrann
12Team PiLoLiDoomsday87, CarloVIII
13les DAHUS OCCITANSelric31, Spriggan, Damonk, (anonym)
14Bretz' hellsallustre, le_roi_liche, Caladris, thetlis
15Quel Team Làbabbonatale, Feldmarshal
16Les biquettes mastersToutancarton, Samo, Mad-, Djine
17Jeune garde de Lyon 2bullwai, Morkin, carcris, Smp
18Vouivre et laisser mourirArkalak, Gabriel, Damdam, kohlek
19TRC BGMimoteph, Roark, Chaw, Gobsdestrab
20Jeune garde de Lyon 1FlintJunior, Mel, FlintBMacFlanagan
21TRC chevres d'azurKarl_hoche, Vavs, Gilg248, LieKolchin
22Buccaneers - Scaleta CrewMickk, Adi_, HARDSTYLE
23Sorry not sorry2dipicche, JohnnyBoy, Pulps, gilles32
24mercenaire 1manux

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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