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Battle of H’Nova XI - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Andre aka "Numen"DHannover728NecronsCircle Tacticsno
2. Denny aka "Quakeltiki"DHannover318TyranidsCircle Tacticsno
3. Paul aka "Kiall"DGifhorn261World EatersTeam GifBierno
4. Marc aka "Schnitta"DLaatzen8466Astra Militarumno
5. Dennis aka "P4tsch"DHannover689Chaos Daemonsno
6. Lennox aka "Xonell"DBerlin61Eldarno
7. Alex aka "Kissyfur"DLangenhagen-Space Marinesno
8. Steffen aka "BigSteve"DWedemark828World EatersHIGWASAHno
9. Barnd aka "Sumbu"DWedemark262Thousand SonsHIGWASAHno
10. Peter aka "Anonym"DBad Pyrmont1740DeathwatchHammertime Bad Pyrmontno
11. David aka "Meister_Haufen"DBraunschweig1308Leagues of VotannTeam Dingsdano
12. Stefan aka "Lorin"DHildesheim901Leagues of VotannHIGWASAHno
13. Christian aka "LaeRTesP"DHildesheim-Death GuardHIGWASAHno
14. (anonym)-NecronsVanguard Tacticsno
15. Sebastian aka "WasdasoO"DBraunschweig1275Dark Angelsno
16. Marten aka "Lord_Brawler"DHohenhameln912Leagues of VotannTeam GifBierno
17. Gerardo aka "Cyan"DHamburg305World EatersJust Primedno
18. Boris aka "TheBlade"DBerlin313Thousand SonsFNP7+no

The tournament has reached the allowed limit of 18 players. Please contact the organizer for further details.

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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